Kiidu is the go-to care platform to find the most suitable nannies and caregivers in thailand. Our powerful search helps the parents discover the babysitters, nannies, tutors, maid, senior caregiver, nurse, driver in easy, fast, convenient and secure way either on demand, part time and full time. It’s trusted and most intelligent platform that empower nannies, maids, drivers to improve their skills, their awareness, and their career.
Caregivers are not trained and lack of knowledges and skills to pursue their career caregivers don’t have the qualifications which matches with family standards. the process of onboarding caregivers is time consuming and exhausting for families. This problems can emotionally effect the children or family with the constant change of nanny .
"We offers different types of training to improve the nanny skills, awareness and career.
Training about legal, different type of job ,like nanny basic training , full day training, online training and we offer cpr and first aids training.
We have most intelligentest matching with 17 metric to match parent with the right nanny.
We have implemented the virtual sustainable circle to ensure that our company can bring impact on 17 millions people in thailand. Happy family, Mother can focus on her career, healthy employment, productivity and life balance."
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