How Dimple de Leon-Sandoval of ​​EveGrocer is tackling the plastic waste epidemic in the Philippines


How Dimple de Leon-Sandoval of ​​EveGrocer is tackling the plastic waste epidemic in the Philippines

Seedstars Global

MARCH 09, 2023

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and the actions we take today will determine the fate of future generations. At Seedstars, we found that entrepreneurs have a unique opportunity to use their skills and resources to make a meaningful impact on the environment. One such entrepreneur is Dimple de Leon-Sandoval, the co-founder of EveGrocer, an end-to-end sustainability-focused supply chain powered by technology.



According to a study by the Ocean Conservancy, the Philippines is the third-largest contributor of plastic waste in the oceans, behind only China and Indonesia. This is a staggering statistic and highlights the urgent need for action to be taken. Plastic waste is not only detrimental to marine life but also to human health and the environment as a whole. With the increasing consumption of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), the problem of plastic waste is only getting worse. The Philippines generates an estimated 2.7 million metric tons of plastic waste each year, with an estimated 20 percent ends up in the ocean.

EveGrocer is taking on this challenge head-on by promoting sustainability through awareness, a multi-vendor marketplace for sustainable brand merchants, developing reusable containers, and reverse logistics. By tackling the plastic waste problem in the Philippines, EveGrocer is helping to preserve the environment for future generations. Their innovative approach to solving this problem is a beacon of hope for the Philippines and for the rest of the world.

However, like any other entrepreneur, Dimple and her team had to face challenges. The most challenging part of trying to solve climate change in emerging markets is the current position of the FMCG industry. Almost all products are packed in one-time-used plastic packaging, and there are minimal options for sustainably packed products. “Threading in between safety food handling, refilling, and sustainable packaging development is a delicate process that must be carefully implemented,” Dimple shared.

To support entrepreneurs like Dimple, Seedstars partnered up with The Incubation Network and PREVENT Waste Alliance to create the Single Use Plastics (SUP) Challenge. Being included in the SUP Challenge, helped EveGrocer gain validation, provided them with a grant to develop new packaging for different categories, and gave them access to international networks for potential partners within their marketplace and scaling. As a result of the program, Dimple and her team were able to achieve brand positioning in the sustainability field, which is a significant accomplishment.

The SUP Challenge also helped EveGrocer grow its networks, which is essential for any business. Dimple emphasizes the importance of networks when she says, "Starting a business was never easy, it could break you if the advocacy is not strong enough to fight for the cause."

Dimple's message to young innovators is simple: “The future of our planet depends on the actions we take today, and as entrepreneurs, we have the power to make a difference.”

In the next three years, EveGrocer plans to focus on customer behavior change. Through their pilot test in the SUP Challenge, they have achieved an 18.5% change indicator using their current process, which is very promising. They plan to push further development of their technology and focus on areas that tackled effective execution out of the several test processes conducted.

Dimple de Leon-Sandoval is a true inspiration to all entrepreneurs who are passionate about making a difference in the world. Her story is one of the many inspiring journeys that Seedstars Programs was able to be a part of.

For more information about the SUP Challenge, visit the program page here. Learn more about EveGrocer here.

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