No Regrets Policy or How to Find Your New Home and Build Two Startups in the Meantime | Nat Robinson


No Regrets Policy or How to Find Your New Home and Build Two Startups in the Meantime | Nat Robinson

Seedstars Global

MARCH 03, 2020

“You’re really good at making terrible career decisions right when things are going well”, one of his professors told Nat.

Yet, he has managed to implement over the years a pretty successful “No Regrets” policy. Years ago, when his 9-month mission with Accenture in Nairobi ended, Nat was at a crossroads. He decided to “go for it” and stay in Kenya to start his own business. Like many times after that, “figure out the rest along the way” became his motto. Whether you’re talking about camel riding, raising 22M USD, selling inclusive financial solutions to remote smallholder farmers, or going back to school, Nat’s “No Regrets” policy got him a long way.

Having a hard time “integrating back” into his native homeland in the USA, he feels that he definitely belongs in East Africa, and his mind will not stop solving social problems. With his fintech experience, he’s now building Leaf Global to help refugees find a safe place for their money, and contribute to their peace of mind. What will he do next?

Leaf Global is one of the ten winners selected for the Entrepreneur Migration Prize by HSD. This podcast along with the Migration Episode from the Online Seedstars Summit will give you a glimpse into how this company is changing the tide for the better.

Speaker recommends reading: Ben Horowitz: Hard Thing About Hard Things, Robert Iger: The Ride of a Lifetime, Nat Robinson: Creating a Cash Cow in Kenya.

The podcast is also available in the video format:

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