Why Bridging The Financial Inclusion Gap Includes Education On Financial Literacy


Why Bridging The Financial Inclusion Gap Includes Education On Financial Literacy

Seedstars Global

JUNE 4, 2021

We spoke with Fabiano di Tomaso, CEO of QuickCheck and School of Management Fribourg (HEG) alumni.

QuickCheck started as an experiment built over a weekend back in 2017. At that time, an idea to offer loans via a mobile app was new in Nigeria but seemed like a perfect solution to a very real problem — lack of access to credit, especially when it comes to the low-income population.

With their tech solution, QuickCheck not only bridges the financial inclusion gap but also educates people about financial instruments and the risks related to loans and overindebtedness as financial literacy isn’t part of the curriculum in many countries.

The podcast is supported by the School of Management Fribourg (HEG), one of the leading higher education institutions preparing the next generations of entrepreneurs to be the change-makers of tomorrow.

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